July 4, 2017

Seeing Red in Japan

Marunouchi Hotel
Tokyo, Japan

For unknown reasons, the red decor craze swept American hotels and motels in 1960's and 1970's. It looks like other countries might not be immune to this craze, as you can see from this postcard of a hotel in Tokyo. Observe the red-black checkered carpet and international orange bedspreads.

Everyone in in the postcard appears to be Caucasian, so you wouldn't have known this is a Japanese hotel, just looking at the postcard. Also, see how the woman's red plaid suit matches the red plaid suitcase -- now that's really matchy-matchy. Curiously, both suitcases are all closed up and standing in the path, like they're planning to make a getaway while the couple dines. And what's with these round big tags on the bags, anyway? Is someone tracking runaway suitcases?

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